This post is looongg overdue. I definitely finished my re-ti a week ago. Life has been getting in the way.
Anyway, my retightening did not tske any extra time with the added amount of new growth that I acquired. 4 days either way I look at it--4 weeks v. 6 weeks.
I do like the idea of waiting longer for adequate new growth, and also the fuller looks. So, I'm sticking with the 6 week rotation. Monday night, after I finished my re-ti, I set my hair with flat twist and bantu knot (or chiney bump) the ends of the twists. The next day I had a curly 'fro'. I dont realli know why I pinned up the front but one of co-workers told me I look like a child. Well, Cheers to never growing old! :)
Enjoy the pics.
I'll be back in a few days for my 5 month update \(^.^)/.
Until then,
.Lata Lovvies.